Stanislav Ivanov

Stanislav Ivanov, President,
ICE Clear Credit

Stan Ivanov is President of ICE Clear Credit, an Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. (NYSE: ICE) clearing house. He previously served as Chief Risk Officer at ICE Clear Credit and ICE Trust US. He was responsible for the design, implementation and execution of all credit default swap (CDS) risk management efforts. Ivanov was instrumental to the launch of the CDS clearing services at ICE Trust US and ICE Clear Europe in 2009.

Prior to joining ICE, Ivanov held the position of Chief Risk Officer at LJM Partners where he was responsible for the development of new investment strategies and portfolio hedging trading. From April 2000 to April 2007 Ivanov managed and supervised the quantitative risk management modeling efforts at The Options Clearing Corporation (OCC). He was the architect of OCC’s risk management approach known as System for Theoretical Analysis and Numerical Simulations (STANS).

Ivanov received his PhD degree from Tulane University in the field of Quantum Mechanics. He also holds a Master of Science in Financial Mathematics from The University of Chicago, and Masters’ degrees in Chemical Physics and International Relations from The University of Sofia, Bulgaria.